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No New Posts OoC Discussion
Threads: 52 - Posts: 57 - Mods: 1
Last Post: Survive in The DayZ World Using DayZ Cheats
By Albertina - Jul 24, 2024 21:34:31 GMT

Chat amongst yourselves, brainstorm plots, fill pup slots - the works!

Sub-boards: Board Guidelines, Family Fill-ins, Plots and Character Arcs, General Chatting, Resolved Topics

No New Posts Character Information
Threads: 24 - Posts: 24
Last Post: How to Use bazoocams?
By aaradona - May 11, 2024 20:55:42 GMT

Create an easy-to-access profile for your character(s) here! All information herein is strictly ooc knowledge until discovered through roleplay.

Sub-boards: Caeleste Members, Kingdom Members, Legion Members, Loners

No New Posts Pack Information
Threads: 18 - Posts: 2,956 - Viewing: 1
Last Post: When you wanna print shipping
By Raymundo - Jul 20, 2024 4:16:02 GMT

Thinking about joining a particular group? Want to give any interested parties a fair warning or honest insight into the tone of your pack? Then you've come to the right place!

Sub-board: Past Packs


No New Posts The Pass
Threads: 1 - Posts: 1
Last Post: Guess Who's Back, Back Again.
By Cat - Sept 9, 2017 16:16:58 GMT

The only way in or out of the Mountain; a gradient of terrain that many find jarring.

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No New Posts Mountainside
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The road gradually widens, its uneven surface rough - even sharp - on unconditioned pads. Loose rocks and debris may occasionally tumble down from above.

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No New Posts The Courtyard
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In the heart of the mountain lies a flatter area, one of communion. The slope here is more gradual, the ground well-worn by constant treading.

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No New Posts The Den
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Often restricted to mothers - nursing or expecting - or those who aid them, it is a shelter tucked hidden amongst the rubble of ancient boulders and crags.

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No New Posts The Arena
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Best described as a coliseum, it is an area enveloped by rock walls, with boulders alongside for onlookers to sit and enjoy some entertainment.

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No New Posts The Magna Chasma
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The great cliff, beneath which an abyss extends beyond where eyes can see; some even claim to hear the voices of those long passed paining from below. The valley and vast extensions of the land can be seen from here. One wrong step could prove fatal.

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No New Posts The Vast Expanse
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The arctic landscape is wide-stretching, scarce vegetation striving to survive the permafrost. Fairly flat land gives way to harsh winds and, further inland, a steady slope of hillsides.

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No New Posts Avalanche Alley
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The steep hillsides here are often left untouched, leading to precarious situations with snow and ice sheets forming, hovering threateningly to the valley below. Locals - and those incredibly astute - may be able to find the typical path barely worn into the snowside that leads upwards in relative safety. One wrong step or sound, however, can bring on the end.

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No New Posts Snowfields
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Herein lies deeper snow, once more the lack of significant trees creating a powerful shine of sun, reflected even stronger off the untouched snow. Glaciers too make their home here, the runoff from which can be followed down to the river below.

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No New Posts The Frozen Mouth
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Glacial chunks and snowy clumps litter a smoothly-paced riverside cold enough to rip the air out of any creature's lungs in seconds. Its crystal clear waters filter out into a semi-frozen lake of questionable integrity; only the locals seem to know where to tread on the icy surface.

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No New Posts The Den
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Nestled within walls of snow and ice, it is as much a place for mothers and children as it is the old, weak, or otherwise unaccustomed to the cold world outside. In the rear of the den is a fairly good sized pool of fresh water, replenished naturally by its lightly-melting walls.

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No New Posts The Tree Line
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Finally as you descend, thick trees such as conifers begin to emerge, buffering those amongst from the elements. The transition from sparse to dense is a swift gradient, giving way to a warmer forest.

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The Forest

No New Posts The Clearing
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At the edge of the forest lays an almost unnatural clearing, desperate saplings lining the edge in front of marginally taller trees; during dry season the area is often home to the start of wildfires, which have created an eerie expanse of near-nothing, immediately ended by a wall of trees.

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No New Posts The Grove
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Fruit trees grow in eerie rows here, paths between them well-worn by predator and prey alike. The place is maze-like in its structure, surrounded by sky-high trees that seem to extend on forever, like gates to Eden.

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No New Posts Canopy Cover
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In a three-layer growth are the trees, from saplings to those sky-high. A constant blanket of shadows is cast over this area, spots of sunlight difficult - not impossible - to find.

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No New Posts The Den
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A lofty den site, the area is cushioned by ferns and various comforting foliage that also works to camouflage many scents; the clearing within which this area can be found is small, hidden by a buffer of trees and shrubbery.

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No New Posts The Lost Woods
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A forest labyrinth, put simply. Identical paths span all cardinal directions, crossroads occurring often. Very few have ever mastered the correct path to navigate through the area, with legend stating the majority of those who enter never leave.

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No New Posts The Jungle
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There are no well-worn paths here; the thick vegetation and tangled overgrowth prevent most from being able to pass through. The density of foliage often creates a humid air; all-in-all, not often a place of residence, even for the adventurous. If you want to keep something hidden, however..

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No New Posts The Swamp
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The quiet croaking of frogs, delicate lily pads and lawn of reeds would be quaint and peaceful if not for the dangers lurking beneath the muddy waters. Swimming through the eerily still waters is a quicker travelling options than sinking in the sodden soil, but at quite the risk..

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No New Posts Island Chain
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Non-locals will be glad to reach a chain of small islands where the ground is a bit more solid, and travel through the water is minimal. These islands are home to smaller prey who find safety in the stunted trees and damp underbrush.

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No New Posts Will-o'-the-Wisps
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Vengeful ghosts or guiding spirits? A beautiful sight to behold or a frightening warning from beyond? Eyes may be playing tricks on their owners in this area of gradually emerging dry land, or perhaps something else is afoot..

Sub-board: FInished Threads

No New Posts The Mire
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Those caught unaware by its appearance may find themselves quickly sinking; what looks to be - from any distance - a nice, green lakeside shrubland is quickly revealed to be a soggy deathtrap if one doesn't tread briskly.

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No New Posts The Den
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A soft, loamy floor is decorated with reeds and fresh flowers; the den is nestled neatly, carved into the landscape and well-hidden by the surrounding foliage. Fresh water nearby provides a steady source of nutrients, making this the quintessential place for family-raising.

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No New Posts Heathland
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Rich in color and various plant species, there is never a boring sight. Troves of heath and heather often hide bunches of birds and other entertaining surprises. It would not be difficult to get lost in the meadow of flowers, for sure.

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Ground Zero

No New Posts The Open Plain
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The epitome of neutrality; the grass is mowed down by the occasional herd, foliage here and there, a stream providing a simple water source. These lands are most often accompanied by loners who would rather not be hasseled by pack-wolves, or those looking to avoid group contact.

No New Posts The Battle Field
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The mostly flatland is significantly more barren compared to its counterparts, with existent foliage weeping, weary or decayed. The only creatures that dare scamper through are small prey, like lizards and birds. They know the purpose of this land; to settle scores, wage fair wars, and crown new empires. Victory and peace is paid for in blood.

No New Posts The Olive Tree
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Foliage here is light, in the midst of the meadow stands an olive tree taller than all the others, more abundance on its branches. This is clearly a place of peace, for groups to come together in truce, in peace, even in camaraderie. No blood shall ever be shed here, unless it is that of prey for sharing.


No New Posts The Abyss
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Any entryway seems the same; a gaping mouth with various perches and outcroppings that slowly descend into darkness; at least here it is still safe in the sun- or moonlight that filters in.

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No New Posts Crystal Cavern
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Lit only by light refracted off the various jewels embedded in the rocky walls, it is a beautiful sight to behold, so long as you don't fear shadows cast from sources unknown..

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No New Posts The Catacombs
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An overwhelming set of options appear, various tunnels branching in every direction - some dead ends, some miles long, some seemingly never-ending. Find a way topside, however, and you could emerge just about anywhere. Mystery awaits the brave adventurer.

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No New Posts The Moonpool
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Fresh air carried in by a massive waterfall creates a large source of water, fairly rare in such an environment. From above light filters in, reflecting off the roaring waters to illuminate the inhabitants below.

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The Ancient Woodlands

No New Posts The Scorched Land
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An obvious wildfire raged through here at some point - some say you can still find embers smoldering amongst the rubble. Hopeful saplings exist amongst charred birch and ashen leaves, stumps littering the place like tombstones in a graveyard. Something big certainly happened here.

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No New Posts Haunted Hollow
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A constant mist blankets most of this area, various types of fungi and invasive plants making it their home. Named for the giant fallen log - the size of a skyscraper, with holes like windows all around - it appears as if a lengthy hallway; if one chooses to go around it, however, weeping willows and Cuscuta linger dangerously low..

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No New Posts Meteor Ridge
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Impossibly large, an impact crater creates a perfectly corralled clearing, topped by a higher rim that can serve multifold purposes, like a podium to an auditorium of audience.

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No New Posts The Den
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An overgrowth of colorful foliage must be actively kept back in order to even find such a hidden gem; based out of a large tree hollow, the floor is cushioned by soft plants and decorated with various-colored petals. A minimal clearing has been worn outside, paths away from which are faint.

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No New Posts The Red Tide
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The still water runs red, and only the dying would forego such a warning and drink; even to tap the surface is inviting injury. All other water sources in the region appear normal - was this the site of a massive war, or something even more sinister?

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No New Posts The High Rise
Threads: 1 - Posts: 5
Last Post: The Kingdom Awaits..
By Cat - Jun 12, 2017 16:45:57 GMT

On the upper slopes of the valley is a tumultuous tree line; stumps are abundant here, where more trees have fallen than stayed standing. When storms brew this is the most dangerous place to be; lightning strikes and winds often either rip the foliage from its roots or strike the limbs from their bases. The view, however, is glorious.

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No New Posts The Forest
Threads: 1 - Posts: 8 - Viewing: 1
Last Post: And onwards-
By Cat - Jul 24, 2017 2:15:12 GMT

The tree line descends into a wooded wonderland, sunlight trickling in through the gaps in the canopies; prey is plentiful here, with enough foliage to provide coverage, but not enough to hinder movement or hide paths.

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No New Posts Island Falls
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A fairly small waterfall cascades from the ridge above into the lake - a tempting sight for any adventurer to travel down. If one did so (and survived) the ripples would carry them to the short shoreline of a miniature island in the middle of the lake; a nice sunning spot and not too bad a view to boot.

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No New Posts Lakeside
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A cobblestone courtyard slows transitions into short grass, well-kept by grazing animals and the trodding of their predators. The lake shore is calm and quiet, inviting of weary wanderers or those curious and playful.

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No New Posts The Den
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Almost lakeside itself, the den is a small outcropping of rocks with a view of the water, allowing a large clearing around it. The area is not hidden at all - clearly visible from quite the distance; however, the surrounding clearing makes sneaking up on it impossible.

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No New Posts The Dell
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Grassy and bright in the spring an summer summer, colorful with leaf-laden floors in fall, and crystal white in winter, this transitionally-wooded area is much less dense than the forest, acting more as a wide pathway decorated by spaced-out trees. New surprises await within each season.

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No New Posts The Thicket
Threads: 1 - Posts: 7
Last Post: A New Era Begins
By Cat - Jun 19, 2017 11:17:12 GMT

Starting as a conglomeration of trees gradually descending into shrubs, there is almost a wall of foliage that is not impossible to pass, but proves tricky to those unfamiliar. Patches of briar and roses threaten with thorns, though hidden clearings can be found underneath the chaos. The further inland, the less dense.

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No New Posts Riverside
Threads: 1 - Posts: 11
Last Post: One step forward..
By Cat - Sept 30, 2017 21:21:35 GMT

The river flows smooth and quiet, fish aplenty. Various stepping stones can be found, though to attempt a crossing is not without its hazards.

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No New Posts Frog Pond
Threads: 1 - Posts: 1
Last Post: An Evening of Wonders
By Cat - Oct 9, 2017 20:24:46 GMT

Almost marshy, the quiet pond is home to croaking frogs and plentiful lily pads, rows of reeds promising to hide treasures as well. Fireflies come out at night and there are even rumors about fish who fly across the water.

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No New Posts The Den
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A wall of tall sunflowers surround the small den site, accessible only by parting them and walking through. The scent of fresh grass and the sight of seeding dandelions creates an aura of calm and healing.

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No New Posts Southern Steppe
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An alpine grassland, this area runs congruent with impossibly steep mountain walls, that arguably cast the only shadows in the area save for the scant trees or shrubs high and thick enough to create shade as well. The flatland is a wide-open meadow, however, great for grazing prey, but creating a difficult atmosphere for sneaking.

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No New Posts Field of Flowers
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A wide-open meadow - trees nowhere to be seen - with a vast array of flowers that billow soothingly in the breeze. Sunlight is soft here, supporting of growth.

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No New Posts Echo Canyon
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Any noises here can carry a distance if loud enough; clay and rock walls raise up around to create a funneled pathway. The ground is dry, prey is scarce, and the road is long.

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No New Posts The Badlands
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The canyon opens up to a dusty range, ridges and peaks breaking up the flat land. Cacti and other foliage are scarce until one hits the ravine, an active stream roaring through. Far-reaching but not never-ending, this area gives quite the varying experience.

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No New Posts The Dunes
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Deep sand and harsh sun make traversing the land extremely difficult for those unaccustomed, uphill and downhill portions adding extra challenge. The day are hot, the nights are frigid, and the creatures dangerous.

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No New Posts The Oasis
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A small spring, buffered by green trees and damp rocks - a sight for sore eyes in the desert!

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No New Posts The Den
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Pyramid-like in its mystique as to how it got there, this den, cushioned by soft sands, sodden soil, and crusted clay camouflages itself despite existing in almost-open land. Sunning rocks and divots left to dig for water decorate the area.

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No New Posts Geyser Field
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The ground quakes and roaring water can be heard quite often; the locals know not to venture too close to the scalding waters. They're best left seen and not felt, so tread cautiously.

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